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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60836    The first ever women's crew team is aiming for successive victories.
60837    The budget is approximately $20 million.
60838    This is the most popular subject.
60839    The budget is approximately $15 million.
60840    The new boat has been launched and "Mr. America's Cup" Conner's sailing, is a sight in itself.
60841    The budget is approximately $16 million.
60842    This is the first competition for the America's Cup yacht created through a research partnership.
60843    The advance of the pact of science and technology experts is menacing.
60844    The budget is approximately \3.7 billion.
60845    This is their second competition.
60846    Japan is striving to capture the Cup sailing the cutting edge "JPN-41."
60847    The budget is approximately $10 million.
60848    The skipper is Pedro Campos.
60849    The new yacht was developed with the assistance of Zosen Kaiyo Technology University.
60850    It is the 4th try for representative Sid Fisher.

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