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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60726    They have three boys, with the oldest currently in eighth grade.
60727    "I was too busy running around after the children to have time to worry about my husband. Maybe that was a good thing."
60728    She laughs, a little mischievously.
60729    She has never been against his daredevil plans.
60730    "I know he's going to go. So I don't oppose it or anything."
60731    There is a hint of complaint in her voice, but underneath it surely lies a sense of security born from their bonds of trust.
60732    Yoshiharu Sekino, an explorer aiming to trace mankind's 50,000-kilometer Great Journey, and his wife Reiko spent their honeymoon at the ruins of Peru's Machu Picchu.
60733    Here they could view the ruins of the fortified city built by the Inca's masonry technology.
60734    After ascending a mountain path for two hours to reach the Temple of the Moon, Reiko took her white wedding dress out of her backpack and transformed into a blushing bride.
60735    They exchanged vows surrounded by friends and had their wedding portrait taken.
60736    They met as students in university.
60737    Sekino was a student at Hitotsubashi University making plans to explore the Amazon for a third time when Reiko applied to join at his office.
60738    At the time Reiko was a member of Tsudajuku University's explorer club.
60739    "The university was close and I thought it would be interesting."
60740    Reiko could hold her own against Sekino and she had some big adventures of her own while in university.

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