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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60440    Hong Kong has the advantage of being a link between these two great countries.
60441    For Raji though, India is a foreign land.
60442    "Even when I go to India it doesn't feel like my country. A lot of my friends are Chinese, and I have nowhere but Hong Kong to call home."
60443    There are ten people in the Sitar family living in Hong Kong.
60444    The father Kei stated, "Of course everyone will stay in Hong Kong after 1997 as well."
60445    Estimates of foreign residents in Hong Kong calculated from embarkation and disembarkation data of the Hong Kong Immigration Bureau put the current July '94 count at 343,400, or almost six percent of the total population.
60446    According to the same data from 1986 there were 168,400 foreign residents, indicating that the population has doubled in eight years.
60447    During the same period, the overall population grew at a rate of 10%, which clearly highlights the explosion in the foreign resident population.
60448    Due to increased numbers of Japanese companies in Hong Kong, the number of Japanese residents has climbed to 16,700.
60449    The increasing numbers of American and Canadian residents is presumed to be partially accounted for by emigrants making a "U-turn" and returning to live in Hong Kong after obtaining citizenship elsewhere.
60450    In 1935 when the then-13th shogi Meijin, Kinjiro Sekine, decided to retire, a new title championship was established to decide the Japanese champion based on skill instead of the more than 300-year old traditional hereditary Meijin system.
60451    The Meijin Tournament was born.
60452    Afterward, many shogi players carried on competing with the aim of becoming the top player and attaining legendary status, which has continued to attract shogi fans.
60453    From the first Meijin Yoshio Kimura to the birth last year of Meijin Yoshiharu Habu, only nine people have managed to reach the pinnacle all shogi players dream of.
60454    The demands of the Meijin are evident.

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