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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60375    A maid earns 3,700 Hong Kong dollars a month.
60376    This is about three times as much as a typical laborer in Manila.
60377    These women send back over 100 million dollars annually to their mother country.
60378    "Transportation is convenient in the Central District and there are many churches and banks in the area. I mostly come on Sunday because all my friends and relatives come here," says Victoria Abado, who came to Hong Kong three years ago as a domestic helper.
60379    For the Filipino women who work long hours as live-in helpers, talking together in the Central District is a precious break.
60380    The Central District, home to a large number of expensive hotels and boutiques, also hears complaints such as, "Tourists avoid the area because there are too many Filipinos."
60381    At one time the British-affiliated companies that owned the surrounding buildings tried to have the women removed, but had to stop amid criticism of "discriminatory practices".
60382    Since the end of last year, the government of Hong Kong has opened schools and other buildings on Sundays for Filipino women to use as community centers.
60383    At present, however, few people use them.
60384    A loan shark operation targeting Filipino women was exposed last year.
60385    The operation made cash loans using passports as collateral, and a customer list of several thousand and numerous passports were seized.
60386    It is difficult for maids to obtain loans from legal financial institutions, as their social standing is considered precarious.
60387    So, in spite of the high interest rates, no other choice is available.
60388    This incident highlighted the vulnerable social position of Filipino women.
60389    "Hong Kong is close to the Philippines and salaries are high, so many people are eager to work here. Labor conditions, however, are not favorable."

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