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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60207    According to the Segodnya newspaper dated the 30th, Vice Prime Minister Vladimir Polevanov emphasized, "We need the shift of governmental economic strategy, as well as stronger national leadership over businesses," and announced, "We aim to adopt a bill to re-nationalize the firms that have been inappropriately privatized."
60208    The Vice Premier cited as domains to be re-nationalized, aluminum, energy and munitions, stating, "The acquisition by foreign enterprises of 15 percent of the shares in our country and authorizing their representatives to serve on boards of directors, will pose a direct threat to the national security of Russia."
60209    The Izvestia also reported, "The Basic Principle of Vice Prime Minister Polevanov is non-privatization," with the headline of "A Bomb at the Foot of Privatization."
60210    In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced, "Privatization so far has been only one-sided.However, as day comes with night and life with death, privatization should be accompanied by nationalization," thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far.
60211    The Russian privatization policy was launched in October 1992, under the leadership of Anatoliy B. Chubais.
60212    Its initial phase, which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities, was completed in June 1994, and the second phase has been launched, in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for.
60213    As of November 1994, 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized, and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized.
60214    In addition, 71 percent of property owned by local governments has already been sold off to private entities.
60215    Although Chubais tries to confront Polevanov's policy of reviewing privatization, the latter is reported to hold more support in the Cabinet.
60216    Fierce street fighting broke out in Mogadishu, the Capital of Somalia on December 31st.
60217    Since the Second United Nations Operation in Somalia has decided on withdrawal by the end of March this year, the resumption of full-scale civil war following the withdrawal of the U.N. peace-keeping force is strongly feared.
60218    According to the report from Mogadishu, the explosion of rocket bombs is echoing across the city district around Bermuda, and the streets are occupied by armed soldiers.
60219    The parties involved in the civil war are the Mursade and Abgal clans, behind which is the confrontation between the Aidid and Mohamed factions, the two major armed forces of Somalia.
60220    Analysts assert that the intention of China in helping Myanmar is the construction of a naval base for its expansion into the Indian Ocean.
60221    Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the King of Cambodia, met Chinese President Jiang Zemin on December 31.

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