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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60174    Responding to this opinion, Dr. Brown, a senior researcher at Harvard University, pointed out the possibility of causing Russia's repulsion by the expansive policy of NATO, thus risking the country's withdrawal from the Conventional Forces in Europe.
60175    Dr. Brown also warned, "Another curtain will be drawn, between the East European countries that join NATO and those that do not," and opposed Mr. Kissinger'opinion saying, "NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics, and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors, we will expand."
60176    In its campaign platform set out by the new Chairman of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, and titled, "Contract with America," the Republican Party promised to "promote the entry into NATO of countries with the will to turn to democracy and a market economy, as well as placing their military forces under civilian control," thus demonstrating their plan to encourage Eastern European nations to join NATO.
60177    The Republican Party has also recently started to push harder line policies, insisting, "It is unacceptable that Russia has a veto over the future of NATO or the U.S. role in Europe," and, "The United States shall act as the winner of the Cold War."
60178    Although the Clinton administration hopes to deal with the Republicans based on support from liberals who are against the expansion of NATO, it is viewed as certain that the President will be forced to substantially modify his original line to embrace Russia's Yeltsin administration.
60179    A small village located in Phayao Province, northern Thailand.
60180    The mountain-dwelling Mon people of this small village commanding a view of the mountains of the Laotian border spend their first day of January 1995, in drinking celebrations.
60181    The Mon people base their calendar on lunar cycles, which provides them with a different New Year's date every year.
60182    In 1995, however, the date fell on the same day as in the Christian Year.
60183    It is the New Year's morning.
60184    The villagers put on their traditional clothes for the first time in a long while, and sacrifice pigs and chickens to the spirits of their ancestors and the village.
60185    Women prepare New Year's dishes, while men drink.
60186    They drink from a large cup made by slashing live bamboo, and filled with home-made spirits.
60187    The Mon men believe that dynamic drinking is a must to be a man.
60188    Elders say, "We learned as we threw up when young."

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