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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60105    Moderates claimed that it should be done before the unified local elections.
60106    As "the Association of the Supporters of the Murayama Administration and Promotion of Socialist Democratic Liberal Politics," which takes circumspect attitude towards the establishment of the new party, considers that "it is not too late to establish a new party after Upper House election," it will be difficult to reach a compromise.
60107    For the time being, it is almost determined that only the organization policy will be decided at the convention of February, and our party will run in the unified local elections as the Socialist Party.
60108    It is mostly regarded that whether it is held before or after Upper House election depends on "how badly we lose the unified local elections."
60109    Several members, including Yamahana consider that they will form a preparatory committee for their own new party before the summoning of an ordinary session of the Diet, because they are afraid that "the formation of the new party may be postponed after the next session of the Diet, followed by budget debates and the unified local elections."
60110    Whether they should leave the party or not is uncertain, but for the time being, the most important will be the number of members who participate in the preparatory committee.
60111    The "Association," which asserts that "secession is equal to anti-Cabinet movement," individually dissuaded secessionists from the party and members of the New Democratic League, and actively prevails on the local headquarters and labor unions, which regard the secession as unfavorable.
60112    One of the executives of the New Democratic League testified, "When I consulted with a local supporting labor unions on this matter, they expressed disapproval."
60113    Therefore, it is increasingly regarded that "even if there are some secessionists, participants will be about ten members who can not help but approach the New Frontier Party, due to the situation of their electoral districts."
60114    The Communist Party published interviews of Kenji Miyamoto, Chairman of JCP in their party organ on the 1st.
60115    In the interview, Miyamoto, who was in hospital for about one month from late June last year, said, "I am asked by journalists when I will resign and questions like that," and emphasized his good health, saying, "I am not ashamed of it in the least but proud of it."
60116    The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum will hold an "APEC Information Summit" in May this year, gathering the ministers in charge of information and communications in Seoul.
60117    Government sources thus revealed on December 31.
60118    At the summit, the ministers will talk about diverse issues, including the development of an optical fiber network, standardization of information communications, and digitization of the public sector, aiming at the establishment of an information and communications infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region in the multi-media age, and this summit is planned to be held annually afterwards, taking the initiative in the promotion of information technology in the region.
60119    APII will be the Asia-Pacific version of the U.S.-led global information and communications infrastructure.

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