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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60030    I would like to conclude it around February 10.
60031    I will definitely do it.
60032    I will do my best within the framework of the constitution, in light of our experiences such as activities in Cambodia and others.
60033    I do not yet plan to review the issue of the Peacekeeping Force.
60034    In this 50th anniversary of the end of the war, with the paradigm of the Cold War collapsed and a new order required throughout the world, the substantial problem of the next Japan-U.S. summit meeting is how we establish a close relationship between Japan and the U.S., which leads the way in the 21st century.
60035    Our role, based on the Japan-U.S. relationship in Asia and the Pacific region, is considerably important.
60036    I would like to have frank discussions with President Clinton.
60037    I would like to visit China as soon as possible if there is any opportunity to do so, considering both the status of the ordinary session of the Diet and the situation of China.
60038    The United Nations should reform not only the issues on permanent member nations of the Security Council, but also others.
60039    Rather, the United Nations has a significant role to play in an extensive range of issues on the global environment, population, foods, and others.
60040    I will consider it, presupposing the reform of UN.
60041    On the 31st, Mr. Daijiro Hashimoto, Governor of Kochi Prefecture, announced his policy to abolish an article on nationality from the employment certification of prefectural nonexempt employees for the first time among Japanese prefectures.
60042    To be employed as a nonexempt employee of Kochi Pref., having Japanese nationality is essential.
60043    The Japanese government insists that "Japanese nationality is essential for public servants who execute public rights and make decisions on public matters," however, there is no rule to forbid employing non-Japanese under the Local Public Service Law.
60044    "I do not believe in the necessity of the article on nationality in managing local government. At least, there is no reason to exclude Koreans who were brought up in Japan from certification as public servants. I would like to realize this on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the last war," said Hashimoto.

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