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Short Stories (story)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (houn)

49200    'Phosphorus,' I said.
49201    'A cunning preparation of it,' said Holmes, sniffing at the dead animal.
49202    'There is no smell which might have interfered with his power of scent.
49203    We owe you a deep apology, Sir Henry, for having exposed you to this fright.
49204    I was prepared for a hound, but not for such a creature as this.
49205    And the fog gave us little time to receive him.'
49206    'You have saved my life.'
49207    'Having first endangered it.
49208    Are you strong enough to stand?'
49209    'Give me another mouthful of that brandy, and I shall be ready for anything.
49210    So!
49211    Now, if you will help me up.
49212    What do you propose to do?'
49213    'To leave you here.
49214    You are not fit for further adventures to-night.

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