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Short Stories (story)

The Adventure of the Dancing Men (danc)

11137    You remember Hilton Cubitt, of the dancing men?
11147    ほら、あのキュービットだ、踊る人形の。
11138    He was to reach Liverpool Street at one-twenty.
11148    彼は一時二十分にリバプール街に着くはずで、まもなくここに来る。
11139    He may be here at any moment.
11148    彼は一時二十分にリバプール街に着くはずで、まもなくここに来る。
11140    I gather from his wire that there have been some new incidents of importance."
11149    電報から察するに、何か大事が起きたらしい。」
11141    We had not long to wait, for our Norfolk squire came straight from the station as fast as a hansom could bring him.
11150    やがて二輪馬車が全速力で、駅から依頼人のノーフォークの紳士を乗せてやってきた。
11142    He was looking worried and depressed, with tired eyes and a lined forehead.
11151    憔悴した様子で、目は疲れ、額には皺を寄せている。
11143    "It's getting on my nerves, this business, Mr. Holmes," said he, as he sank, like a wearied man, into an armchair.
11152    「息が詰まりそうな事態で、ホームズさん。」
11153    依頼人は半病人よろしく、肘掛椅子にもたれかかった。
11154    「落ち着きません。
11144    "It's bad enough to feel that you are surrounded by unseen, unknown folk, who have some kind of design upon you, but when, in addition to that, you know that it is just killing your wife by inches, then it becomes as much as flesh and blood can endure.
11155    得体の知れない人物がどこか近くに潜んでいて、何かをたくらみ、さらに妻がじわじわと殺されていくと考えるだけで、もう、身体がもちません。
11145    She's wearing away under it--just wearing away before my eyes."
11156    そんな状況下で、妻は弱りつつあるのです。
11157    まさに私の目の前で。」
11146    "Has she said anything yet?"
11158    「奥さまはまだ何も?」
11147    "No, Mr. Holmes, she has not.
11159    「ええ、ホームズさん、言いません。
11148    And yet there have been times when the poor girl has wanted to speak, and yet could not quite bring herself to take the plunge.
11160    何か言いたげにはするんですが、やはり決心がつかないのか。
11149    I have tried to help her, but I daresay I did it clumsily, and scared her from it.
11161    助けようともしたんです。
11162    でも私が不器用なもんですから、余計こわがらせるだけで。
11150    She has spoken about my old family, and our reputation in the county, and our pride in our unsullied honour, and I always felt it was leading to the point, but somehow it turned off before we got there."
11163    妻が、私の家系のこと、地域における名声、また汚れなき名誉などに言い及ぶこともあって、いよいよ本題に入るのだと思ううちに、話がよそに逸れてしまって。」
11151    "But you have found out something for yourself?"
11164    「何かご自身でお気づきになったことは?」

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