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Short Stories (story)

The War with the Newts (twwnt)

110238    A strip of white appeared once more in the Sinhalese eyes.
110239    Captain J. van Toch, with unexpected liveliness, slapped him on both cheeks with his full hand to bring him back to consciousness.
110240    “Thanks, Saheb,” the gaunt Sinhalese sighed, and the pupils re-appeared in his eyes.
110241    “Alright now?”
110242    “Yes, Saheb.”
110243    “Were there oysters down there?”
110244    “Yes, Saheb.”
110245    With a great deal of patience and thoroughness, Captain J. van Toch went on with the cross questioning.
110246    Yes, there were demons down there.
110247    How many?
110248    Thousands and thousands.
110249    About the size of a ten year old child, Captain, and almost black.
110250    They swim in the water, and on the bottom they walk on two legs.
110251    Two legs, Saheb, just like you or me, but always swaying from side to side, like this, like this, like this …
110252    Yes Captain, they have hands too, just like people; no, they don’t have claws, they’re more like a child’s hands.

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