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Short Stories (story)

The War with the Newts (twwnt)

110050    And that’s the sort of worthless work I do.
110051    Pretend to be buying palm oil and all the time looking for new pearl fisheries.
110052    Next they’ll be wanting me to find a new virgin continent for them.
110053    This isn’t a job for an honest captain in the merchant navy.
110054    Captain J. van Toch isn’t some cursed adventurer, no.
110055    And on he would go; the sea is wide and the ocean of time has no limits; spit in the sea, my friend, and it will not return, berate your destiny and you will never change it; and so on through many preparations and circumstances until we finally arrive at the point when J. van Toch, captain of the Dutch vessel, Kandong Bandoeng, will sigh and climb down into the boat for the trip to Tana Masa where he will negotiate with the drunken half-cast of Cubanese and Portuguese extraction about certain business matters.
110056    “Sorry, Captain,” the half-cast of Cubanese and Portuguese extraction finally said, “but here on Tana Masa there aren’t any oysters.
110057    These filthy Bataks,” he would inform him with boundless disgust, “will even eat the jellyfish; there are more of them in the water than on the land, the women here smell of fish, you cannot imagine what it is like — what was I saying?
110058    Ah, yes, you were asking about women.”
110059    “And is there not even any stretch of coastline round here,” the captain asked, “where these Bataks don’t go in the water?”
110060    The half-cast of Cubanese and Portuguese shook his head.
110061    “There is not.
110062    Unless you count Devil Bay, but that would not interest you.”
110063    “Why not?”
110064    “Because … no-one is allowed to go there.

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