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Short Stories (story)

The Adventure of the Speckled Band (spec)

10572    Such are the true facts of the death of Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran.
10671    以上が、ストーク・モランのグリムズビー・ロイロット博士の、死の真相である。
10573    It is not necessary that I should prolong a narrative which has already run to too great a length by telling how we broke the sad news to the terrified girl, how we conveyed her by the morning train to the care of her good aunt at Harrow, of how the slow process of official inquiry came to the conclusion that the doctor met his fate while indiscreetly playing with a dangerous pet.
10672    悲報をおびえきったヘレンに伝えて、彼女をハロウの親切なおばの元へ、朝一番の列車で送ったこと、のろのろした公式の調査が、博士が危険なペットと「不用意に戯れて」いたときに死んだ、という結論に達したことなどを説明して、この叙述をこれ以上引き伸ばすこともないだろう。
10574    The little which I had yet to learn of the case was told me by Sherlock Holmes as we travelled back next day.
10673    次の日に、帰る道すがら、ホームズは私にこの件で、はっきりしていないところを話してくれた。
10575    "I had," said he, "come to an entirely erroneous conclusion which shows, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from insufficient data.
10674    「ねえ、ワトソン、私はまったく誤った結論に達していたのだ。
10675    不十分な資料から推論するのがいかに危険かということだ。
10576    The presence of the gipsies, and the use of the word 'band', which was used by the poor girl, no doubt, to explain the appearance which she had caught a hurried glimpse of by the light of her match, were sufficient to put me upon an entirely wrong scent.
10676    不幸なジュリア・ストーナー嬢が、マッチの火でわずかに見えたものを言い表すのに使った『バンド』という言葉と、ジプシーの存在が、私をまったく誤った方向に向かわせたのだ。
10577    I can only claim the merit that I instantly reconsidered my position when, however, it became clear to me that whatever danger threatened an occupant of the room could not come either from the window or the door.
10677    部屋の住人を脅かした者は、窓からも扉からも入ってこられなかったということが、明らかになった時点で、立場を考えなおしたことだけは、自分でも良かったと思っている。
10578    My attention was speedily drawn, as I have already remarked to you, to this ventilator, and to the bell-rope which hung down to the bed.
10678    君にも前に説明したように、私の注意は即座にこの通気口と、ベッドに垂れている呼び鈴の綱に向かったのだ。
10579    The discovery that this was a dummy, and that the bed was clamped to the floor, instantly gave rise to the suspicion that the rope was there as a bridge for something passing through the hole and coming to the bed.
10679    これが本来の役に立たない偽物と分かり、ベッドが床に固定されていると気づいたとき、私はこの呼び鈴の綱は、何かが穴を通って、ベッドに来るための橋なのではないかという疑いを抱いた。
10580    The idea of a snake instantly occurred to me, and when I coupled it with my knowledge that the doctor was furnished with a supply of creatures from India, I felt that I was probably on the right track.
10680    これが蛇であろうという考えはすぐに浮かび、博士はインドの動物を手に入れる手段があったということと考え合わせて、おそらくこれが正しい方向にあると感じた。
10581    The idea of using a form of poison which could not possibly be discovered by any chemical test was just such a one as would occur to a clever and ruthless man who had had an Eastern training.
10681    科学的な検査では発見しにくい毒を使うという考えは、まさに東洋での経験を持つ、賢くて情け容赦ない男のものだよ。
10582    The rapidity with which such a poison would take effect would also, from his point of view, be an advantage.
10682    この種の毒の即効性も、彼にすれば有利な点だったろう。
10583    It would be a sharp-eyed coroner, indeed, who could distinguish the two little dark punctures which would show where the poison fangs had done their work.
10683    よほど目が鋭い検視官でなければ、毒牙によって穿たれた、二つの小さく黒っぽい穴を見つけることはなかっただろうしね。
10584    Then I thought of the whistle.
10684    そして私は、口笛のことを考えた。
10585    Of course he must recall the snake before the morning light revealed it to the victim.
10685    もちろん博士は、朝日が部屋を照らす前に、蛇を呼び返さなければならない。
10586    He had trained it, probably by the use of the milk which we saw, to return to him when summoned.
10686    彼はおそらく我々が見たミルクを使って、呼ばれたときに戻ってくるように蛇を訓練したのだ。

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