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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Zouk (zouk)

104020    Zouk is made up of three clubs and a wine bar, with the main room showcasing techno and house music.
104021    Velvet Underground is more relaxed and exclusive, while Phuture is experimental and racier than the rest, just as its name suggests.
104022    Zouk’s global reputation means it’s home to all manner of leading world DJs, from Carl Cox and Paul Oakenfold to the Chemical Brothers and Primal Scream.
104023    Zouk also holds its famous Mambo Jambo retro nights on Wednesdays, another reason why a night at Zouk is one to savour. - Celebration of Arts (celebration-of-arts)

104024    Celebration of Arts
104025    A shopping bonanza in Little India
104026    Celebration of Arts is filled with special artefacts and musical delights, and feels like a hybrid between the British Museum and a music shop.
104027    As its name implies, they specialise in all things artistic from musical instruments to arts and craft supplies, including traditional Indian musical instruments and books on how to play them.
104028    You can also see furniture that uses inlay marquetry techniques being made, where a piece of rosewood furniture is inlaid with six different types of woods.
104029    Browse through a wide selection of cushion covers, bed linen, shoes, Kashmir silk, beads, bangles and baubles, or select from figurines of Buddha, a pantheon of Hindu gods and unique wood and stone carvings. - Goto (goto)

104030    Goto
104031    The Place to Go To
104032    Indulge in the flavours of superb Japanese cuisine at Goto.
104033    It has garnered rave reviews owing mostly to the exquisite hand of Chef Hisao Goto, who was formerly a chef to Japanese ambassadors and diplomats.
104034    With years of experience and burgeoning knowledge in the art of preparing authentic kaiseki cuisine, Chef Goto never disappoints.

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