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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Singapore Arts Festival 2010 (singapore-arts-festival-2010)

103462    Another interesting highlight is renowned Indian theatre director Roysten Abel’s Manganiyar Seduction, where nearly 40 folk singers from Rajasthan sit in neatly arranged squares placed vertically and horizontally on top of each other.
103463    Think of it like a highly intoxicating meld of the allure and seduction of an Amsterdam bordello, with the physical arrangement of the TV game show Hollywood Squares, and the haunting lusciousness of ancient Sufi-influenced Indian music.
103464    These are just three productions out of over 50 different events during this 30-day festival – a tiny slice of what will whet your appetites for this wonderful celebration of the arts.
103465    Get your tickets today, and discover a Singapore that showcases a rich performing Arts culture.
103466    Visit for more details. - Pongal (pongal)

103467    Pongal
103468    A Good Harvest
103469    The Pongal Festival, or Sankaranthi, was originally held in celebration of a good harvest in South India, where farming is the main form of livelihood.
103470    Here in Singapore, the Pongal Festival welcomes the beginning of the 10th Tamil month, called Thai, which falls in mid-January each year.
103471    It is celebrated in the form of a thanksgiving and usually lasts four days.
103472    Pongal literally means to boil over and hence the pot of rice is allowed to boil over as a sign of prosperity.
103473    The first day of Pongal, called Bhogi Pongal, is spent spring cleaning and discarding old belongings to welcome a new beginning.
103474    On the second day, Pongal is celebrated.
103475    Hindu homes start the day with the preparation of pongal (sweet sticky rice where milk, rice and sugar are boiled together) cooked in a new pot that is presented as an offering to the Gods in return for their blessings.
103476    On this same day, house visits are made and greetings are exchanged.

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