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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Bukit Merah View Carrot Cake (bukit-merah-view-carrot-cake)

102174    In conjunction with Singapore Food Festival 2010, play the Food In Translation game and find out more about Singapore’s Signature Dishes.
102175    These eateries are also recommended by Makansutra.
102176    For their reviews and ratings, please purchase the latest Makansutra Singapore 2011 Edition or visit . - Lau Hong Ser Famous Rojak (lau-hong-ser-famous-rojak)

102177    Lau Hong Ser Famous Rojak
102178    Rojak Royalty
102179    This rojak stall is truly a gem.
102180    The owner grinds his own peanuts, makes his own chilli and insists on using only the best Hae Gor (prawn paste) from Penang.
102181    He also grills his You Tiao (dough fritters) over a tiny charcoal flame while the people queue over an hour for his rojak.
102182    Interesting fact: this stall only opens between 4.38pm and 1.38am; however regulars still call ahead an hour in advance to place their orders for this freshly toasted rojak.
102183    The thick and rich sauce served on the side is also topped generously with peanuts, making it a luscious and fragrant dip.
102184    Be first in line at Lau Hong Ser Rojak to savour this zesty favourite and you certainly won’t be disappointed.
102185    In conjunction with Singapore Food Festival 2010, play the Food In Translation game and find out more about Singapore’s Signature Dishes.
102186    These eateries are also recommended by Makansutra.
102187    For their reviews and ratings, please purchase the latest Makansutra Singapore 2011 Edition or visit . - Ethnic Finds (ethnic-finds)

102188    Ethnic Finds

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