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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Plum Village Restaurant (plum-village-restaurant)

101796    Other home-cooked favourites include red wine prawns, “abacus seeds” (which is like yam-flavoured gnocchi), salt baked chicken and Mei Chai Ko Rou (stewed fatty pork with preserved vegetables).
101797    Plum Village Restaurant is great for casual family dinners or social gatherings, and dining here will definitely stir up feelings of nostalgia.
101798    In conjunction with Singapore Food Festival 2010, play the Food In Translation game and find out more about Singapore’s Signature Dishes.
101799    These eateries are also recommended by Makansutra.
101800    For their reviews and ratings, please purchase the latest Makansutra Singapore 2011 Edition or visit . - Tanjong Beach Club (tanjong-beach-club)

101801    Tanjong Beach Club
101802    Beach of Love
101803    A stone's throw away from The Sentosa Resort and Spa, Tanjong Beach Club (TBC) is a bar and cafe located along one of Singapore's most beautiful stretches of sand, Tanjong Beach.
101804    The perfect destination to enjoy the sun, sand and sea, TBC is modelled after a 1950s beach resort, and comes complete with a pool boasting panoramic views, two bars, a restaurant and plenty of chill-out and event space.
101805    Lounge in the sun and sip cool cocktails such as the refreshing Tanjong Martini or the fruity Tanjong Punch.
101806    Or order some casual bites such as the Crab Cakes with Peanut Butter Chilli, Truffle Fries and the Gourmet Burger.
101807    Escape from the urban jungle and feel the sand between your toes and the splash of frolicking swimmers at TBC, your idyllic island hideaway. - Ming Fang Antique House (ming-fang-antique-house)

101808    Ming Fang Antique House
101809    Cherished Chinese collection
101810    To add an oriental feel to your home, head to Ming Fang Antique House for rare Chinese antiques.

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