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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Chilli Padi (chilli-padi)

101187    With dishes that exemplify the best in Peranakan cuisine, it’s no wonder that the restaurant has gotten so many rave reviews. - Deepavali (deepavali)

101188    Deepavali
101189    A Colourful Enchantment
101190    Deepavali, which literally means “row of lights,” is celebrated by Hindus across the world and is the most important festival in Hinduism.
101191    In Singapore, the Festival of Lights, as it’s endearingly called, falls on 5 November 2010 and is a public holiday.
101192    Deepavali is the celebration of good over evil, and light overcoming darkness.
101193    While there are various legends that inspire this festival, the common tale is about how Narakasura won the favor of God and was blessed with the rule of a kingdom.
101194    He ruled his kingdom with tyranny, which led his subjects to appeal to Lord Sri Krishna, the divine ruler of Madura, for help.
101195    Narakasura was subsequently killed by Lord Krishna in battle and on Lord Krishna’s return, the city was in complete darkness as it was the night of a new moon.
101196    To celebrate his victory and to welcome Lord Krishna, the people lit lamps, and to this day, Hindus mark the victory of Lord Krishna over King Narakasura by lighting oil lamps.
101197    New clothes are worn during Deepavali and sweets and snacks are shared.
101198    Some Indian communities also begin the financial year on Deepavali for auspicious reasons.
101199    A traditional way to celebrate Deepavali in Singapore is to have your hands painted with henna art.
101200    Henna is a flowering plant used to dye skin, hair, fingernails and even leather and wool.
101201    These temporary tattoos are often done for free by local artists.

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