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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Singlish Guide (singlish-guide)

100482    Regardless, it is useful to understand a fair bit of Singlish, or at least understand the most common phrases used to avoid getting ‘lost in translation’.
100483    Besides the typical “lah” which punctuates most sentences used by the locals, here is a quick guide of phrases that you may encounter and use most often:
100484    Don’t pray pray ah!
100485    : “Don’t mess around!”
100486    Oh, izzit?
100487    : “That’s interesting.” / “Oh, is that true?”
100488    Dohwan: “No, thanks.” / “I don’t want it.”
100489    Kiasu: A general term used to describe the highly competitive nature of many Singaporeans.
100490    It is originally a Chinese dialect expression that literally means “fear of losing”.
100491    So how?
100492    : “So what do we do now?”
100493    Alamak!
100494    : A general expression of dismay or incredulity.
100495    Can can!
100496    : “Yes, definitely.”

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