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Singapore Tourism: Your Singapore (yoursing) - Website Terms of Use (website-terms-of-use)

100163    Specific Terms and Conditions for Use of Statistical or other Publications Purchased
100164    The Singapore Tourism Board ("STB") or any of its employees, servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss suffered by any person, body or organisation as a result of any error or omission in the data, information, materials or documentation provided in the Statistical or other Publications, whether or not such loss was suffered as a result of reliance on such data, information, materials or documentation.
100165    The data, information, materials or documentation from the STB's Statistical or other Publications are provided solely for your own non-commercial use only.
100166    You may make:
100167    (a) one machine readable copy, and
100168    (b) one printed copy of the data, information, materials or documentation downloaded from the STB's Statistical or other Publications for your private research, reference or study.
100169    You shall not give, re-sell, redistribute, retransmit or transfer any data, information, materials or documentation from this site in any form to any other person, body or organisation.
100170    You shall also not adapt, alter, modify, edit or otherwise affect the integrity of the data, information, materials or documentation from this site in any form and by any means.
100171    The data, information, materials or documentation from this site are provided to you so that you may use them solely for purposes which are not defamatory, unlawful or for purposes which would bring STB into disrepute.
100172    In the event of a breach of this clause, you agree to keep STB fully indemnified against all losses of and claims against STB arising out of your unauthorised use of the data, information, materials or documentation downloaded from this site.
100173    The sale of Statistical Publications using the Cash Card is for soft-copies only.
100174    No hard copies of the Statistical Publications would be sent to you using this system.
100175    In the event that you wish to use the data, information, materials or documentation from the STB's Statistical or other Publications for any commercial use or for any purpose or in any manner other than allowed above, please write in to obtain STB's express written approval first.
100176    You have read these terms and agree that any use of the data, information, materials or documentation from this site by yourself constitutes an agreement to be bound by these terms as well as the general terms and conditions of STB governing use of this and other web-sites maintained by STB.
100177    Specific Terms and Conditions for Use of Slides/Video tapes/CD-ROMs Purchased

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